Chapter 3 Running Bayesian models

Different software and R packages can be used to run Bayesian models. Whether it is a LCM or a more conventional regression model is not very important at this stage. In this document we will mainly use a software called JAGS and the R2jags package. So, if not already done, you will have to download JAGS here and install it on your computer. Once installed, we will be able to use R2jags to operate JAGS through R.

Basically, to run any Bayesian model, we will always need the same three things:

  • Data
  • A model containing:
    • A likelihood function linking observed data to unknown parameters
    • A prior distribution for each unknown parameter
  • An initial value for each unknown parameter to start the Markov chains
    • These values can also be generated randomly by the software, but specifying them will improve reproducibility

3.1 The data

This is the easy part. If we were to run, for instance, a “conventional” regression analysis, we would have to import in R a complete dataset (e.g., a CSV file) with a row for each observation and a column for each variable. However, when using LCM to estimate a disease prevalence or diagnostic accuracy, the dataset is simply made up of the number of individuals in each category. For instance, to estimate a simple prevalence (Prev), we could have 30 individuals that tested positive (variable T) out of a total of 100 individuals (variable n). In such case, the dataset could be created as follow:

#Creating a dataset
datalist <- list(T=30, n=100)

If you want to check that it works, you could ask to see this new R object.

## $T
## [1] 30
## $n
## [1] 100

3.2 The model

3.2.1 The likelihood function

Let’s start with a simple example, estimating a single proportion. For estimating a proportion we could describe the likelihood function linking unknown parameters to observed data as follows:

\(T \sim dbin(Prev, n)\)

In other words: the disease prevalence (Prev), an unknown parameter, can be linked to the observed number of positive individuals (T) and the total number of tested individual (n) through the binomial function.

In this case, the values of T and n are the observed data and Prev is the only unknown parameter.

3.2.2 Priors for unkown parameters

We will have to specify a prior distribution for each unknown parameter (using the \(\sim\) sign).

In the preceding example, we only have one unkown parameter, Prev, which is a proportion. Theoretically such parameter could take values from 0 to 1, so a beta distribution would be one way to describe its prior distribution. We could use the epi.betabuster() function from the epiR library to define a given beta distribution based on previous knowledge, as described in the preceding sections. Moreover, if we want to use a flat prior, we could simply choose the value 1.0 for the a and b shape parameters.

In the following code, I am creating R objects for a and b for Prev beta prior distributions.

Prev.shapea <- 1         #a shape parameter for Prev    
Prev.shapeb <- 1         #b shape parameter for Prev 

With informative priors, for instance, if we know from the literature that the prevalence is expected to be 0.25 with 95CI of (0.20, 0.30), we could instead use the following code and assign these values to Prev.shapea and Prev.shapeb:


# Prevalence as Mode=0.25, and we are 97.5% sure >0.20 
rval <- epi.betabuster(mode=0.25, conf=0.975, greaterthan=T, x=0.20)  # I create a new object named rval

rval$shape1                #View the a shape parameter in rval
## [1] 62.356
rval$shape2                #View the b shape parameter in rval
## [1] 185.068
#I left them as comments, but the two lines below would be used to assign the generated values for later usage
#Prev.shapea <- rval$shape1
#Prev.shapeb <- rval$shape2

3.2.3 Creating the JAGS model

Our Bayesian model has to be presented to JAGS as a text file (i.e., a .txt document). To create this text file, we will use the paste0() function to write down the model and then the write.table() function to save it as a .txt file.

An interesting feature of the paste0() function is the possibility to include R objects in the text. For instance, you may want to have a generic model that will not be modified, but within with you would like to change the values used to describe the priors. You could include these “external” values Within your paste0() function. Thus, you just have to change the value of the R object that your model is using, rather than rewriting a new model. For instance, we just created these two R objects called Prev.shapea and Prev.shapeb (which were the a and b shape parameters for the prior distribution of our proportion Prev). To describe our prior distribution, we can ignore this previous work that we have done and directly create a short text as follows:

text1 <- paste0("Prev ~ dbeta(1, 1)")       #Creating a short text named "text1"
text1                                       #Asking to see the text1 object
## [1] "Prev ~ dbeta(1, 1)"

However, if the same model is to be applied later with a different prior distribution, it may be more convenient to leave the a and b shape parameters as R objects. Thus, if we change the prior distribution and run the script again, you would run the entire analyses with the newly created distribution.

text2 <- paste0("Prev ~ dbeta(",Prev.shapea,", ",Prev.shapeb,")")            #Creating a short text named "text2" and containing other already created R objects
text2                                                                        #Asking to see the text2 object
## [1] "Prev ~ dbeta(1, 1)"

When using paste0(), any text appearing outside of sets of quotation marks (e.g., Prev.shapea and Prev.shapeb in the preceding script) will be considered as R objects that need to be included in the text. Thus, later, I could just change the values for Prev.shapea and Prev.shapeb and my model will be automatically modified.

Some important notes about the text file containing the model before we start with R2jags:

  • JAGS is expecting to see the word “model” followed by curly brackets { }. The curly brackets will contain the likelihood function AND the priors.

  • Similarly to R, any line starting with a # will be ignored (these are comments).

  • Similarly to R, <- means equal.

  • The ~ symbol means “follows a distribution”.

  • Similarly to R, JAGS is case sensitive (i.e., P does not equal p).

  • Loops can be used with keyword “for” followed by curly brackets.

  • Array can be indicated using squared brackets [ ].

In the example below, I create an R object called model_single_prop using the paste0() function and then save it as a text file using the write.table() function. We will check this text file below and then explain the code for the model.

# Specify the model
model_single_prop <- paste0("model{

#=== LIKELIHOOD ===#

  T ~ dbin(Prev, n)

#=== PRIOR  ===#

  Prev ~ dbeta(",Prev.shapea,", ",Prev.shapeb,")    ## Prior for Prev


#write as a text (.txt) file

Here is a snapshot of the final result (i.e., the text file):

Text file with the model for estimating a single proportion.

3.3 Generating initial values

The initial value is the first value where each Markov chain will start.
- You have to specify one initial value for each unknown parameter in the model.
- If you decide to run three Markov chains, you will need three different sets of initial values. - You can also let the software choose a random value to start each chain, but it will then be impossible to exactly reproduce a given result. For instance, if you have obtained a very ackward Markov chain, you may not be able to reproduce this result to investigate what went wrong. Note, though, that it would be quite uncommon for a Markov chain to be “sensitive” to the chosen starting value. But you will see during the workshop that it will sometimes happen.

In our preceding example we have one unknown parameter (Prev). If we were to run three Markov chains, we could generate three sets of initial values for this parameter as follows. Of course, the chosen values could be changed. In the case of a proportion, you can specify any value between 0 and 1.

#Initializing values for the parameter "Prev" for the 3 chains
inits <- list(

We know have a R object called inits that contains the three values where each Markov chains will start from.

3.4 Running a model in JAGS

We now have the three elements that we needed: the data, the model, and a set of initial values. We can now use the R2jags library to run our Bayesian analysis. The R2jags package provides an interface from R to the JAGS software for Bayesian data analysis. JAGS uses Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) simulation to generate a sample from the posterior distribution of the parameters.

The R2jags function that we will use for that purpose is the jags() function. Here are the arguments that we need to specify:

  • The dataset using data=
  • The text file containing the model written in JAGS code using model.file=
  • The names of the parameters which should be monitored using
  • The number of Markov chains using n.chains=. The default is 3
  • The sets of initial values using inits=. If inits is NULL, JAGS will randomly generate values
  • The number of total iterations per chain (including burn-in; default: 2000) using n.iter=
  • The length of burn-in (i.e., number of iterations to discard at the beginning) using n.burnin=
  • The thinning rate, which represent how many of the values sampled by the MCMC will be retained. The default is 5 (1 out of 5). Since there is no a priori need for thinning, you can specify n.thin=1 in most situations
  • The last argument DIC=TRUE or DIC=FALSE will determine whether to compute the deviance, pD, and deviance information criteria (DIC). These could sometimes be useful for model selection/comparison. We could leave that to DIC=FALSE since we will not be using these values during the workshop

With the following code, we will create a R object called bug.out. This object will contain the results of running our model with the specified priors using the available data, and the sets of initial values that we have created. For this analysis, we have asked to run 3 Markov chains for 6000 iterations each and we discarded the first 1000 iterations of each chain. Finally, we will monitor our only unknown parameter: Prev and nothing else.


#Run the Bayesian model
bug.out <- jags(data=datalist,                             #Specifying the R object containing the data
               model.file="model_single_prop.txt",         #Specifying the .txt file containing the model
     "Prev"),               #Specifying the parameters to monitor. When >1 parameter, it will be a list, ex: c("Prev", "Se", "Sp")
               n.chains=3,                                 #Number of chains
               inits=inits,                                #Specifying the R object containing the initial values  
               n.iter=6000,                                #Specifying the number of iterations
               n.burnin=1000,                              #Specifying the number of iterations to remove at the begining
               n.thin=1,                                   #Specifying the thinning rate
               DIC=FALSE)                                  #Indicating that we do not request the deviance, pD, nor DIC 
## Compiling model graph
##    Resolving undeclared variables
##    Allocating nodes
## Graph information:
##    Observed stochastic nodes: 1
##    Unobserved stochastic nodes: 1
##    Total graph size: 4
## Initializing model

As you can see, we received a few messages. It looks good, don’t you think?

3.5 Model diagnostic

Before jumping to the results, you should first check if:
- The chains have converged,
- The burn-in period was long enough,
- You have a large enough sample of values to describe the posterior distribution with sufficient precision,
- The Markov chains behaved well (mainly their auto-correlation).

There are many diagnostic methods available for Bayesian analyses, but, for this workshop, we will mainly use basic methods relying on plots.

Diagnostics are available when you convert your model output into a MCMC object using the as.mcmc() function of the mcmcplots library.

bug.mcmc <- as.mcmc(bug.out)          #Converting the model output into a MCMC object (for diagnostic plots)

You can then use the mcmcplot() function on this newly created MCMC object.

mcmcplot(bug.mcmc, title="Diagnostic plots")        #Asking for the diagnostic plots

When you do that, a HTML document will be created and your web browser will automatically open it. Here is a snapshot of the HTML file in my browser:

Figure. Diagnostic plots.

3.5.1 Convergence and burn-in

To check whether convergence of the Markov chains was achieved you can inspect the “trace plot” (the bottom figure) presenting the values that were picked by each chain on each iteration. The different chains that you used (three in the preceding example) will be overlaid on the trace plot. You should inspect the trace plot to evaluate whether the different chains all converged in the same area. If so, after a number of iterations they should be moving in a relatively restricted area and this area should be the same for all chains.

The plots above would be a good example of the trace plot of three “nice” Markov chains (lucky us!). In this preceding example, we can see on the trace plot that the chains had already converged (probably way before the end of the first 1000 iterations that were excluded) toward the same area. On the trace plot, we can only see the values that were stored after the burn-in period. The chains were then moving freely within this limited area (thus sampling from the posterior distribution).

We could conclude based on the trace plot that:
- The Markov chains did converge
- A short burn-in period of less than a 1000 iterations would have been sufficient. Note that we will often use a longer burn-in (e.g., 5,000 or even more) just to be sure and because it only costs a few more seconds on your computer…

Here is another example where two chains (the red and green) converged in the same area, but a third one (the blue) also converged, but in a different area. We should be worried in such case. We will see later the reason for such behavior. Figure. Trace plot - chains converging in different areas.

Finally, here is a last example with just one Markov chain which clearly did not converge, even after 25,000 iterations. You should be terrified by that!!! ;-).
Figure. Trace plot - chains converging in different areas.

3.5.2 Number of iterations

Next, you can inspect the posterior distributions to determine if you have a large enough sample of independent values to describe with enough precision the median estimate and the 2.5th and 97.5th percentiles. The effective sample size (EES) takes into account the number of values generated by the Markov chains AND whether these values were auto-correlated, to compute the number of “effective” independent values that are used to describe the posterior distribution. Chains that are auto-correlated will generate a smaller number of “effective values” than chains that are not auto-correlated.

The effectiveSize() function of the coda library provide a way to appraise whether you add enough iterations. In the current example, we already created a mcmc object named bug.mcmc. We can ask for the effective sample size as follow:

effectiveSize(bug.mcmc)         #Asking for the ESS
##     Prev 
## 9339.611

So we see here that, despite having stored 3 times 5,000 values (15,000 values), we have the equivalent of almost 9,000 independent values. What to do with this information? Well, you could, for instance, decide on an arbitrary rule for ESS (say 10,000 values) and then adapt the length of the chains to achieve such an ESS (for each of the selected parameters, because the effective sample sizes will not be the same for all parameters).

3.5.3 Auto-correlation

Remember, a feature of Markov chains is to have some auto-correlation between two immediately subsequent iterations and then a correlation that quickly goes down to zero (i.e., they have a short memory). The auto-correlation plot can be used to assess if this feature is respected.

From our previous example (check the upper right figure in the plot below), it seems that it is the case.
Figure. Autocorrelation plot with Markov chains exhibiting a short memory.

Here is another example were we do have an auto-correlation that is persisting.
Figure. Autocorrelation plot with Markov chains exhibiting a long memory.

When such a behavior is observed, running the chains for more iterations will help achieve the desire ESS. In some situations, specifying different priors (i.e., increasing the amount of information in priors) may also help.

3.6 Getting our estimates

Now, if you are happy with the behavior of your Markov chains, the number of iterations, and burn-in period, you can summarize your results (i.e., report the median, 2.5th and 97.5th percentiles) very easily with the print() function. Below, I have also indicated digits.summary=3 to adjust the precision of the estimates that are reported (the default is 1).

print(bug.out,                  #Asking to see the mean, median, etc of the unknown parameters that were monitored
      digits.summary=3)         #Requiring a precision of 3 digits
## Inference for Bugs model at "model_single_prop.txt", fit using jags,
##  3 chains, each with 6000 iterations (first 1000 discarded)
##  n.sims = 15000 iterations saved
##      mu.vect sd.vect  2.5%   25%   50%   75% 97.5%  Rhat n.eff
## Prev   0.304   0.045 0.218 0.272 0.303 0.334 0.396 1.001 15000
## For each parameter, n.eff is a crude measure of effective sample size,
## and Rhat is the potential scale reduction factor (at convergence, Rhat=1).

Here you see that the median Prev estimate (95CI) was 30.2% (21.8, 39.6).

You can also ask for plotting the bug.mcmc object that you have created using the plot() function. It would produce the trace plot and a density plot presenting the posterior distributions of each unknown parameter.

plot(bug.mcmc)              #Asking for trace plot and plots of prior and posterior distributions
Trace plot and density plot produced using the plot() function.

Figure 3.1: Trace plot and density plot produced using the plot() function.

If you prefer to work on your own plots, note that all the values sampled from your posterior distributions were stored in the bug.out object that you have created. If you inspect the bug.out object, you will notice an element named BUGSoutput, inside this element, there is another object named sims.list, within this sims.list, there is an element named Prev. As you can see below, this element is made of a list of 15,000 values. This correspond to the 5,000 values sampled (1/iteration) by each Markov chain (3 chains) for the unknown parameter Prev. So this element is simply all the sampled values assembled together.

sims.list object located in the bug.out output.

You could use this element, for instance, to plot together the prior and posterior distributions on a same figure. On the figure below, the prior distribution is not obvious, it is the flat dashed red line just above the x axis (remember, we used a flat prior for Prev).

#Plot the posterior distribution
plot(density(x=bug.out$BUGSoutput$sims.list$Prev),      #Indicating variable to plot
     main="Disease prevalence",                         #Title for the plot
     xlab="Prevalence", ylab="Density",                 #x and y axis titles

#plot the prior distribution
curve(dbeta(x, shape1=Prev.shapea, shape2=Prev.shapeb), from=0, to=1,          #Plotting the corresponding prior distribution
      lty=2,                                                                   #Asking for a dashed line pattern
      col="red",                                                               #Asking for a red line  
      add=TRUE)                                                                #Asking to add this plot to the preceding one
Prior (dashed red line) and posterior (full black line) distribution of the prevalence of disease.

Figure 3.2: Prior (dashed red line) and posterior (full black line) distribution of the prevalence of disease.